Coop America Member Since 1988

If you get our message machine during business hours,
please leave a message on our email:
We will call you upon our return

Our new sales website is almost updated,
we are temporarily using emails &
PayPal as a "shopping cart".
Thanks for your continuing support of our designs!

Please call us at (707) 889-2449 to contact or place an order
or use our email:

Magic Dress in performance

Magic Dress

"It is absolutely amazing! I received the magic dress and it is beyond all my expectations. The color is perfect for me. It fits like it was made especially for me, it drapes and flows and is beautiful beyond words. I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work to get me the perfect dress." - Fawn

Celtic Items as shown are available
in various styles, colors and sizes (many are unisex)

Goddess Gowns
Cloaks Jackets
Goddess Gowns Cloaks Jackets - out of stock

Ritual Robes Sarongs Scarves
Sarongs Scarves

Tapestries Tote Bags
Tapestries Tote Bags Winged Tunics

Celtic Heart Pendant Green Man Pendant Tree of Life Pendant
Jewelry Examples - page coming soon

Custom & Limited Items below are available here at Ancient
by calling 707-889-2449 or sending email to:

Minoan Bee Pendants Medieval Belts/Ornaments Custom Circlets
Minoan Bee Pendants Medieval Belt/Ornaments Custom Circlets

Quick Silver Medallions Spiral Harmonizers
Quick Silver Medallions

Magic Dress
Magic Dress

The Magic Dress:
Magic dresses are an incredible invention! My personal perennial favorite – you look like a million and yet feel like you are in your jammies –fashion at its most comfortable, now that is a magical gift! You can wear your magic dress in a number of different ways to reflect your personal style and the moment’s feeling – it’s an “any and all” occasion dress. Say Magic Dress and click your heels three times…if you could appear in my showroom and try one on – we could play with the many ways to wear it…next best thing is to trust the thousands of women who already own one and wouldn’t be without it! Two sizes fits almost everyone…really!

Ceremonial Circlets:
Annie's Custom Handmade Circlet styles include the infinity circlet, the Winged Moon Circlet, the Triple Goddess, the Crescent Moon, Celtic Wheel, Celtic Pentagram Pentagram Fillets and more.

Ancient Circles popular, unusual and hard-to-find items include Goddess images, Ceremonial wear, Druid Robe, Wizard robe, Wizard cloak, Dragon Fairy wing skirt and fairy tunic and Pagan jewelry. If you are traveling to ancient sites, you will be happy to protect your skin, and look good while wearing our flowing jackets that fit most sizes and several genders.

Fantasy for all ages and for all budgets - With just a Celtic or dragon print scarf and sarong, you can make magic - take it from me - your fantasy designer. Have fun! Be happy! Honor the Past, Live fully in the present, and create your own symbolic and mythical future. . .

Blessed Be!
Annie Brigit Waters


All Rights Reserved © 1996 - 2025 Ann W. Weller
Web Design:
No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including by photocopying, recording, scanning, or use of any information storage and retrieval system
without express written permission from Ann W. Weller, Proprietor, Ancient Circles.

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